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Sanctioned by

Event Organizers' resources

Pro Events are the backbone of professional water skiing. If you are interested in putting on an event, we can offer bespoke advice from those with great experience while offering help at every step of the way.

Ready to send in your application for your event to join the Waterski Pro Tour? - Fill out the form below

Other Resources:

A few words about the registration process: 

To register your event as part of the Waterski Pro Tour, you will need to

1 - fill out the Event Application Form.

We recommend it to be done as early as possible.

After April 30th your event can still be part of the Tour but will not count towards the number of events taken into account for the Skiers Pro Point Total calculations. See Rule 8. of the Waterski Pro Tour Framework.

2 - Sanction the event with your National Federation.

Record Capability homologation level is recommended but not required.

3 - We will get in touch with you as soon as we receive your application and will work together to get the application from pending to approved status ASAP. You can always contact us here or check the status of your application here.

Note that your event will not appear automatically on the Submitted Events page. We will upload the information as a pending application once the form is reviewed..

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